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Protection of Kids Act

Written By:

Kenzie Shelstad

Publishing Date:

July 16, 2023

After the tragic events at Uvalde this past month, parents and lawmakers alike are desperate for gun restrictions in the United States. The House, as of June 8th, 2022, has voted in the Protecting Our Kids Act. This act comprises multiple laws aimed at preventing mass shootings, and include seven laws that aim to prevent mass shootings. These include laws that raise the age to purchase semi automatic centerfire rifles from 18 to 21, prohibit the sale of large capacity magazines, increase penalties for failure to comply with federal regulations regarding the safe storage of firearms, prohibit the sale of ghost firearms, and tighten federal regulation on the use of bump stocks. The aim of the Protecting Our Kids Act is to reduce the ability of mass shootings to take place with legally purchased firearms.

            However, the Protecting Our Kids Act has not progressed to the Senate at this point, and faces strong opposition from Republicans, who hold the majority in the Senate. While five Republicans in the House voted in favor of the Protecting Our Kids Act, including Reps. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, Fred Upton of Michigan, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Chris Jacobs of New York, it is unlikely that the Senate will receive the 60 vote majority required to pass the Protecting Our Kids Act. For young individuals in the United States, this package of laws could provide unparalleled protection from potential school shootings. The Senate has not yet stated when the vote on the Protecting Our Kids Act will take place.


"Text - H.R.7910 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Protecting Our Kids Act.", Library of Congress, 9 June 2022,

Gittins, William. “Gun Control: What Laws are in the “Protecting Our Kids Act” legislation passed by the House?” MSN. 11 June 2022. Accessed 12 June 2022.

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